
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2021

The Room: A movie that you have to watch... I'm not kidding

  Have you ever cooked something, and screwed it up so bad, that it actually taste good in a different way of the originally intended? Well, this movie it’s exactly that. The Room: the most classic example of movies that are so bad that are good. I’m not saying that this is the best movie I’ve seen, but it certainly is the best of its class, an absolute unforgettable experience. I think that the big difference with just any bad movie it’s that this one it’s not a “poorly made film”, this one it’s exactly how it’s supposed to be, it’s full of love, it´s the masterpiece of a mastermind that it’s just beyond our common conceptions of aesthetics and narrative, the mind of an artistic alien, the mind of Tommy Wiseau. The first time I saw The Room I wasn’t sure of what to expect; I’ve had seen some of the famous lines like “Oh hi Mark”, sure, but the whole movie it’s a different experience. I laughed a lot while watching it, but when the film was over I felt like “did I really spent one

My first real vacations

  I haven’t had the pleasure of traveling as much as I would want it to. I live only with my mother, and she is a total home person, so my vacation were almost always visiting my aunt or my cousins on the countryside. But one year, this cousins, with whom I am very close, invited me to their vacations to the south of Chile. I’m not quite sure if it was in the summer of 2011 or 2012, but around those years. I remember it especially because it was my first really long trip and, obviously, because we all had a great time. We didn’t have a plan, so we just traveled between one city and another. We went to Ancud and Castro first, in Chiloe, then Puerto Montt, then Puerto Varas and finally Temuco. The whole travel was around two weeks long, so what we did was: staying in a city for a couple of days so we could visit the interest points on each one, and then move to the next city. The place where we stay for the most time was Puerto Varas, mainly because we wanted to visit many places on

Turkey: a bridge between two worlds

  As someone that has been outside of Chile just one time, my “for visit” list it’s still quite large. Being the history and cultural nerd that I consider I am, one of the countries that interest me the most it’s Turkey. One of the very special things of this country it’s its location, between Europe and Asia, but unlike other Eurasian countries (like Russia or Kazakhstan) that location plays a key role on Turkish history, culture, economics and global importance even today. What I personally love about this fact, it’s the cultural mix generated between European Christian (Orthodox mainly) world and the Asian Muslim world, especially near to the Dardanelles and Bosporus straits. Right on this last Strait it’s located the biggest city of Turkey and actually the biggest of Europe, with almost sixteen million population: Istanbul, Known before as Constantinople. I’m studying sociology and I have a great interest on sociology of religion, therefore, I would love to visit this city known