My first real vacations


I haven’t had the pleasure of traveling as much as I would want it to. I live only with my mother, and she is a total home person, so my vacation were almost always visiting my aunt or my cousins on the countryside.

But one year, this cousins, with whom I am very close, invited me to their vacations to the south of Chile. I’m not quite sure if it was in the summer of 2011 or 2012, but around those years.

I remember it especially because it was my first really long trip and, obviously, because we all had a great time. We didn’t have a plan, so we just traveled between one city and another. We went to Ancud and Castro first, in Chiloe, then Puerto Montt, then Puerto Varas and finally Temuco. The whole travel was around two weeks long, so what we did was: staying in a city for a couple of days so we could visit the interest points on each one, and then move to the next city. The place where we stay for the most time was Puerto Varas, mainly because we wanted to visit many places on that region.

A nice thing that we did was staying on houses instead of hotels or even cabins, so that mixed with the permanent rain and cold of the south gave every place a really cozy vibe.


PS: I don't have any photos of the trip on my PC, so I just will take a generic one from Google.


  1. Personally I am in love with the south of Chile so I find wonderful your trip and that you loved it too.
    Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

  2. I think Chiloe and Puerto Varas have the most beautiful landscapes in all the country! i hope you can visit the south again soon

  3. The south has many beautiful places to visit, each corner has its wonder and charm. I think that not traveling so much makes you enjoy the holidays even more!

  4. I really love the south of Chile very much, that lucky to be able to go through all those places that fall in love with anyone, I hope one day I will also know them!


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