Post graduate studies: one topic, many places.


Being near to the end of my career makes you think often on what to do after you get your title. Just get to work the quickest as possible it’s always a tempting option, but the love for learning and the fear that the labor world causes, plus the better future possibilities that offers a postgraduate degree makes it a really attractive choose.

As I said on my previous blog, I have a special interest -even love, I would say- on Latin America. As such, I have the idea of studying a master or a PhD on Latin-American issues. In addition to my interest on the subject, it could give some advantage in the postulation to the Diplomatic Academy, in which I would like to enter, as I explained too on my last post.

I’m thinking about taking a course at the University of Chile, at the Faculty of Philosophy, or maybe at the Alberto Hurtado University (the Society of Jesus it’s probably the institution with the strongest Latin-American tradition). Other great Latin-American universities like the UNAM in Mexico and the UBA in Argentina both have interesting approaches on this topic. Even some American universities, and a couple of European universities, have great studies programs on this subject, in some cases (sadly) even better that our own universities, and this would be an interesting choose for me also because I would love to live in many different countries beyond the difficulties.


  1. Awesome..Latinamerica needs some minds thinking about issues, focus on the possible solutions, of course. I think social sciences can bring a lot of help by analyzing and supporting social and economical politics

  2. There is no greater temptation than to generate money as soon as you finish your career haha, but continuing to learn is an excellent option for later being able to apply for a job with much more knowledge. If the opportunity presents itself, do not hesitate to take it and I hope that one day you can achieve everything you have in mind <3

  3. The feeling of love-hate to Latin America is very real hahaha
    Traveling the world learning sounds entertaining :)


  4. I share in some way the love for Latin America, for me it would be great to do field work on every country, I hope that you will study something related to that and travel across the continent.

  5. I share your feelings about Latin America, hopefully you can achieve everything you set out to do. I wish you the best!


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