Summer holidays, country holidays


I do not usually go on vacations that often, so it’s not that easy to me to imagine what am I going to do the next summer. I usually visit someone in my family and stay with them for some days. I have two aunts living in the countryside -each one on different places-, and my cousins that live in Valparaiso.

If I have to choose between these places, I think I would prefer to visit my aunt in Nilahue, Pumanque for the next summer. I haven’t been there in years, and I really enjoy it. There’s never that much to do, but I am okey with that, if I’m there it’s to rest. I like to go to the countryside to do nothing.

Some nice things of that place are the animals. There are some farm animals, some dogs, lots of cats, and I enjoy taking care of them, it is not a heavy activity at all. Another nice thing it’s that it's not that hot, at lease not as hot as Rancagua gets in the summer, so that makes it a really great place to escape from the concrete, in all the senses of the sentence.

I also would like to go because I miss my aunt, I haven’t seen her in a long time. I haven’t seen her children, my cousins in a while, so I wolf like to see them there too, they usually visit my aunt during the summer. My mom don’t like that much the country, so I’m not sure if she would like to join me if I go.


  1. It is the best to be in the field, admiring nature and doing nothing haha.

  2. Take some time to do nothing it's something necessary, and if you can do it in the countryside, even better

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. I love to scape the city, for me it´s necessary sometimes, in those moments I go to the mountains or parks like the Metropolitano.

  5. Hopefully you can travel soon and see your family, surely they miss you too. I understand the feeling that the field gives, sometimes doing nothing is necessary for be happy.


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