
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2021

My future job

  Being so close to the end of my career -I’m in fourth year of sociology- one starts to think more and more often on how you are going to make a living out of what you have been learning all these years. Sociology has a very large specialization spectrum, but the labor field it’s no so wide, so the general offer is like this: a reduced group of activities in a wide field of topics. This flexibility allows you to change your area of work frequently, but most sociologist choose to specialize in a couple of topics. Considering the previous, I would like to take a major in Latin-American issues and work on that area beyond the specific activity that I dedicated myself at. For the love I have for my cultural continent and considering other personal projects I would like to work on diplomacy, and having a sociology title and a related mayor it’s a good start. The nature itself of this job attracts me. Lots of traveling (and not just “touring”), the improvement of relations between our cou

My career choice

  By the time I had to postulate to a career I already had it decided and I was absolutely confident of my decision, but it wasn’t always like That. Obviously I wasn’t born with the idea of studying sociology -some people might disagree on my view of vocation-, but I mean about the process of choosing a career on the last years of high school. My biggest interests at that time were -and still are, actually- around history, philosophy and economics. Consequently my options for an university career were between History, Philosophy, or other social science. I discarded the first two, mainly because I didn’t like the labor field that they had to offer, focused primarily on school education. The big problem I had with studying Economics, or commercial engineering, how it is called in Chile, was the monopoly of the Monetarist School of thought over the economics schools of the country, despite of the traditional political position of the universities. At one time I had the opportunity to t