My career choice


By the time I had to postulate to a career I already had it decided and I was absolutely confident of my decision, but it wasn’t always like That. Obviously I wasn’t born with the idea of studying sociology -some people might disagree on my view of vocation-, but I mean about the process of choosing a career on the last years of high school.

My biggest interests at that time were -and still are, actually- around history, philosophy and economics. Consequently my options for an university career were between History, Philosophy, or other social science. I discarded the first two, mainly because I didn’t like the labor field that they had to offer, focused primarily on school education. The big problem I had with studying Economics, or commercial engineering, how it is called in Chile, was the monopoly of the Monetarist School of thought over the economics schools of the country, despite of the traditional political position of the universities. At one time I had the opportunity to talk whit a FEN student and he told me that the people with my problem usually left the career the first year and took Sociology instead. That was the last thing I needed to decide my career. My preference for Sociology over other options, like Anthropology or Psychology it’s related to a greater closeness to my other interest, especially the economics part of them.

This last thing, the strong relation between sociology and many others branches of knowledge, it’s what I really like about my career. I’ve had a really nice time studying it, and I’ve had the opportunity to learned a little bit of many different topics, including all the other options I had for a carrer.


  1. Sociology is great; I like to read about sociological studies and essays. If would not be fot the math part, maybe it would have been an option

  2. Sociology was the most funny class in the first years of the carreer, are a lot of authors of many subjects.

  3. My brother studies at the Commercial Engineering Faculty, what I have seen in all these years is that it is a complex career and I think that we should choose something that we're passionate about and not focus so much on salary or his field of work, since it will be something that we will work the rest of our lives.

  4. I was always struck by sociology, it makes me very interesting with all its theoretical currents. Although I chose something less academic, I have had to learn a lot about sociology and it is very interesting.


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