Demian: A worlds destroyer book.


Sometimes life has moments or experiences that simply changes the way that you see it. I'm sure you've had more than one of these experiences in your life, me too, but there is one that I want to talk about. It’s the older of its kind that I can remember and was clearly the start of a changing process that I’m not quite sure if it’s already over. In this case I’m talking about a book: Hermann Hesse’s Demian.

I’m not sure if it’s my all-times favorite book, but it’s undoubtedly the most important of which I have read so far.

I don’t want to make a review of it, instead, I want to make you want to read it, in case that you haven’t already. I myself have read it four times, the first one when I was twelve and I think it’s the perfect time to do it, because around that age your life and how you see it it’s going to change any way so… make that change for the better. Even if you are not a teen anymore, or even if you’re an adult, Demian can still be a life changing experience if you are open to learn from it and question your beliefs. Making your life a little harder, or not so comfortable, could sound as something that you would prefer to avoid, but maybe you are losing the opportunity to improve it, to improve yourself!

This book it’s a world destroyer, in the best sense of the expression. It changed me like no other and only like a couple of people have so far, I was born again after I read this book.

 “The bird fights its way out of the egg. The egg is the world. Who would be born must first destroy a world. The bird flies to God. That God's name is Abraxas.”

Join us, fly to Abraxas.


  1. They are I'm good at reading books, but your blog left me very intrigued ...

  2. I think every teenager must read Demian, it helped me a lot to understand my processes at that age.


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